Classmate Updates
To receive contact information for any classmate listed below, please contact Annette Hartley
Married to: Michael
Children: 2, ages 40 and 43
Grand Kids: None
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, VA, NC
Hobbies include: golf, bowling, bridge, sewing
Favorite memory: Musicals
Married to: Ed Wyant
Children: 2, ages 35 and 39
Grand Kids: 2, Ages Ages 1 and 2,
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, IN, MO, GA, and TN
Hobbies include: tennis, golf, boating
Favorite memory: So many wonder memories - I can't choose just one. Loved playing sports with Nadine Wilson. Loved being on the drill team and performing at football games with the band. Loved the Variety Show! Loved all my friends!
Married to: Candy
Children: 1, age 37
Grand Kids: On the way
Occupation: ETCI / President
Lived in: OH, IN
Hobbies include: Urban Forestry, Mountaineering, Dogs, Giving Back
Favorite memory: Tires on the flag poles
Married to: Kathy
Children: 3, ages 36-42
Grand Kids: 5, ages 5-14
Occupation: Global Operations Director
Lived in: NC, PA, SC, MI, KY, WV, OH, DE, FL
Hobbies include: Model trains, pickle-ball
Favorite memory: Beating mighty Moeller in JV baseball when our coach was absent
Married to: Sue
Children: 3, ages 35-43
Grand Kids: 6, ages 8-18
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, IN
Hobbies include: Reading, travel, golf
Favorite memory: Graduation
Married to: Single
Children: 4, ages 31-49
Grand Kids: 4, ages 8-18
Occupation: Validation Specialist
Lived in: OH, KY
Hobbies include: Group Fitness Instructor for Spinning, Barre, Boot Camp; Gardening, Traveling
Favorite memory: When pledging for a sorority, Nell had me skip the hallway’s singing “Beans, beans, musical fruit. The more you eat; the more you toot!”
Married to: Roger
Children: 2, ages 47 & 55
Grand Kids: 10 and 4 great grandchildren, ages 4 months to 33
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Water aerobics, swimming
Favorite memory: Skip day
Married to: Bonnie
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Aviation Consultant
Lived in: OH, IL, UAE, Australia
Hobbies include: Traveling, Biking, Hiking, Golf
Favorite memory: Friday night football games
Married to: Belinda
Children: 2, ages 33-35
Grand Kids: 2, ages 2-4
Occupation: Writer/Editor
Lived in: OH, IN, VA, TN
Hobbies include: Hiking, Photography, Music
Favorite memory: Exceptional teaching staff
Married to: Earl Waxman
Children: 2, ages 30-33
Grand Kids: 2, ages 2-7
Occupation: Lawyer
Lived in: PA, DC, NJ, FL
Hobbies include: Travel, Non-Profit Board work
Favorite memory: The fun of a Friday night football game! Such school spirit!
Married to: Mark
Children: 2, ages 36 & 40
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Magistrate, Probate Court/Court of Domestic Relations
Lived in: OH, OK, CO, MI
Hobbies include: I love to paint and recently had an art show. Some of my work is on exhibit in a local art gallery. I am also working on a novel that takes place in Cincinnati in 1842, 1860 and 1885.
Favorite memory: Mr. Foreback, my DECA teacher, was extremely supportive as were several other teachers including Mr Budde and Mr Graeler.
Married to: Steve Baker
Children: 3, ages 33-41
Grand Kids: 4, ages 3-11
Occupation: Social Worker
Lived in: OH, IL, AL
Hobbies include: Reading, cooking, Family get-togethers
Favorite memory: Football games under the lights!
Married to: Dave
Children: 4, ages 32-44
Grand Kids: 5, ages 2-25
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: HI, FL, MD, ME, NC, VA
Hobbies include: Boating, gardening, quilting, crochet, volunteer activities, loving and living life to the fullest!
Favorite memory: Can’t pick a best memory, they are all (mostly) good!
Married to: Single
Children: 3
Grand Kids: 3
Occupation: Nurse
Lived in: SC, OH, MI, FL
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Margie
Children: 2, ages 31-34
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Emergency Physician, Emeritus Professor UC Medical College
Lived in: OH, MD
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: XX
Married to: Nancy
Children: 3, ages 32-39
Grand Kids: 2, ages 5-7
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Golf
Favorite memory: Mustang echoes
Married to: Bob
Children: 4, ages 47, 41, 36, 35
Grand Kids: 1, age 21 months
Occupation: Preschool Librarian
Lived in: OH, NC, FL
Hobbies include: Watching grandson on video texts from MA! Staying in touch with family & friends on Facebook! Watching TV, especially game shows & football! Dog spoiling! Reading!
Favorite memory: Hanging out with friends! Home Ec with Mrs. Swafford!
Partner Name: Gary
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Project Manager
Lived in: OH, KY
Hobbies include: Traveling, volunteering, gardening and spending time with family and friends.
Favorite memory: Fun with friends in Mrs Swafford's Home EC class, going to the Friday night games, working on the homecoming float.
Married to: Joan
Children: 2, ages 28-31
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, MA, IL, CO
Hobbies include: Biking
Favorite memory: Playing high school sports
Married to: Kevin Phillips
Children: 2, ages 32 & 34
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: So retired and loving it!
Lived in: OH, MO, TX, WV KY
Hobbies include: Gardening, I love my flowers, sewing, crafting, exercising and being outside!
Favorite memory: I don’t think I have one favorite memory but rather a collection of all the fun with friends, loved playing for Nadine Wilson, attending the sporting events, plays and other school activities! Madeira was a wonderful place to be raised!
Married to: Kim
Children: 2, ages 31 & 34
Grand Kids: 2, ages 4 & 6
Occupation: Marriage and Family Therapist
Lived in: MA, CA, CO, OH
Hobbies include: Woodworking, photography, gardening and eradicating invasive honeysuckle in the community, traveling, serving on community boards (YMCA, Environmental Commission, Water Commission), serving on a variety of ministries at church.
Favorite memory: Escapades with friends after school and on weekends!
Married to: Denny
Children: 3, ages 37-41
Grand Kids: 5, ages 8-24
Occupation: Baker
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Texting everyday with my daughter, Hayley, who lives in Scotland; Camping, helping in community gardens and fund raising for animal shelters.
Favorite memory: Learning how to drive with Mr. Budde
Married to: Single
Children: 3, ages 28-33
Grand Kids: 1 on the way
Occupation: FAA Senior Systems Engineer / Sr. Sys. Engr Strategy Development
Lived in: OH, FL, CO, UT, WA, VA, The Netherlands
Hobbies include:, crafts, outdoors
Favorite memory: Couldn't wait to get out
Married to: Michael
Children: 2, ages 32-37
Grand Kids: 1, age 20
Occupation: Real Estate broker
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Golf, yoga, weight classes, dance, hip hop, teaching
Favorite memory: A lot of my memories of teachers
Partner Name: Tinderella
Children: TBD
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Brand consultant, marketing copywriter
Lived in: OH, NJ, TN, FL, IL, CA/ USA, Sweden
Hobbies include: Musician (the band is gonna make it)
Favorite memory: Not getting caught...much
Married to: Don
Children: 1, age 28
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: HR Financial Mgr (Retail Macys)
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Newly retired, so still exploring recreational activities, but something in the crafting mode.
Favorite memory: Cheering on the Madeira Mustangs Football Team!
Married to: Michael
Children: 3, ages 39, 37, 34
Grand Kids: 1, age 21 months
Occupation: RN
Lived in: OH, MI
Hobbies include: Gardening, boating
Favorite memory: All the great people I went to school with. Friday night football games and dances. So many great memories.
Married to: Jerry Johnson
Children: 2, ages 38-40
Grand Kids: 6, ages 11-18
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Walk/jog/hiking/travelling/reading/drinking wine :-)
Favorite memory: Meeting Jerry - of course we went our separate ways after high school only to meet 23 years later, marry and together 27 years at this point.
Married to: Mary
Children: 6, ages 37-47
Grand Kids: 11 (2 great) ages 5 mo to 24
Occupation: Life Insurance Administration
Lived in: OH, KY, VA
Hobbies include: Travel, wine and beer tasting, golf and cooking
Favorite memory: Being on the golf team and senior year events.
Married to: Jim Rolf
Children: 4, ages 34-40
Grand Kids: 9, ages 1-7
Occupation: Teacher in Christian schools
Lived in: OH, IL, MI
Hobbies include: Traveling, family activities
Favorite memory: Choir & French club
Married to: Peter Keen
Children: 2 for me, 1 for him, ages 36-44
Grand Kids: 2
Occupation: Retired RN
Lived in: OH, New Zealand, Australia
Hobbies include: I make decorated and gourmet cookies, primarily for friends at this point. I have a registered business, but figured out I can’t do markets by myself, so once Peter finally retires……But for now, walking the two dogs, reading, retrieving our neighbor’s dog when she escapes, hanging out with my other retired friends and going for “morning tea”, needlework and of course - social media.
Favorite memory: Gosh, just thinking about that brings back so many memories, it’s hard to pick just one. I think I remember laughing with my friends, and I remember their laughter. All those Friday night football games and being in the band. Being a freshman and trying to find my locker, then homeroom and my classes. The Latin Banquet and being sold as a slave as a freshman. Spending time in the driving simulator as a sophomore, and thinking how cool that was. Walking home from school in snow, arms aching from carrying so many books. Chemistry homework, Algrebra homework, and no calculators back then - every night there was homework to do! (While watching Laugh-In, of course!) And having that coveted 7th period study hall as a senior (and leaving early!)
Married to: Single
Children: 3, ages 36-42
Grand Kids: 2, ages 12-15
Occupation: Public Relations Director Madeira City Schools
Lived in: OH, NC, NJ
Hobbies include: Making wool felt ornaments, hand drawn greeting cards and painted wooden bead necklaces and visiting my kids in Vermont and Louisville.
Favorite memory: Many ETU sorority escapades and Senior Skip Day (that I still have the attendance report from)!
Item description
Married to: Kyle Kane (Madeira Elementary)
Children: 2, ages 37 & 34
Grand Kids: 3, James (3), Charlotte (20 mo), Jack (2 mo)
Occupation: Attorney, private practice. Former partner, Baker Botts.
Lived in: MD, SC, Seasonally: ME
Hobbies include: Reading, book collecting, recreational boating.
Favorite memory: Working on the Mustang Echoes
Married to: Rita
Children: 2, ages 22 & 25
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Build my own house and enjoy my time with my wife and kids. Still talk to Miller and Shriver regularly.
Favorite memory: Coming across the back field with Scott Hart after we had skipped school the middle part of the day (which we had done the whole 2nd half of our senior year) and having Mr. Jacoby standing there waiting for us. He was totally cool and when we were in his office he looked at us and said there was no point in disciplining us because it was the end of our MHS days.
Married to: Cathrine
Children: 3, ages 31-40
Grand Kids: 6, ages 2-10
Occupation: Construction
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Motorcycles, surfing, hiking, music
Favorite memory: Football the 1st time I played Madeira and was playing for Sycamore . I think everyone from Madeira team tackle me and bet Sycamore that day it was fun .
Married to: Rick
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Media Retrieval at Macy's
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Gardening and Firehouse events with our Dalmatian
Favorite memory: NA
Partner Name: Deb Kathman
Children: 2, age 30's
Grand Kids: 3, ages 4-6
Occupation: Sign Guy
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Travel and Farming
Favorite memory: Mr Zarleys shop class
Married to: Debbie
Children: 3, ages 35-43
Grand Kids: 3, ages 1-11
Occupation: President
Lived in: 46 states, Canada, Mexico, Most of the Caribbean countries, the Netherlands, Iceland and Tanzania
Hobbies include: Photography
Favorite memory: Too many to pick
Married to: Janice
Children: 3, ages 27, 38 & 39
Grand Kids: 2, ages 2 mos, 5 years
Occupation: Semi-retired nuclear instrumentation tech
Lived in: IL, CA, ID, VA, NY, CT, WA, HI, NE, NY, ME, IA, KY, OH,
Hobbies include: Golf, hosting Karaoke
Favorite memory: On the bus, returning from a varsity football game against Loveland, my first as a manager for the varsity team, Eric Hartke gave me the nickname of Sparky. And now you know the rest of the story!
Married to: Jim Keys
Children: 4, ages 53-41
Grand Kids: 8, ages 2-29
Occupation: Operations Mgr.
Lived in: AZ, OH
Hobbies include: Reading, Watching my grandchildren grow up into wonderful humans.
Favorite memory: 1 was at Madeira 1 yr. Was already married. My situation was different than everyone else as I was on campus just for my 3 classes and left.
Married to: Russell
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Teacher
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Making homemade cards
Favorite memory: Friends
Married to: Marilyn Sukke McCall
Children: 2
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Principal Systems Engineer - Collins Aerospace
Lived in: CA, IO, KY, OH, VA, WA
Hobbies include: Growing heirloom vegetables, raising heirloom chickens, cooking, homebrewing (German Lagers, English Ales, Mead, and soon - Belgian style beers), judging beers in the local homebrew club competitions, Board of Trustees for the Springville Memorial Library (12 years), and serving as a Troop Leader (in Trail Life the past 9 years and 18 years in Boy Scouts prior to that).
Favorite memory: Growing heirloom vegetables, raising heirloom chickens, cooking, homebrewing (German Lagers, English Ales, Mead, and soon - Belgian style beers), judging beers in the local homebrew club competitions, Board of Trustees for the Springville Memorial Library (12 years), and serving as a Troop Leader (in Trail Life the past 9 years and 18 years in Boy Scouts prior to that). Going to the Frisch's Mainliner with friends after a Friday night football game. Playing in Mr. Medert's shows and in Pat Schram's pit orchestra for Princess and the Pea.
Married to: Kurt
Children: 1, age 26
Grand Kids: 1, age 2 mo
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, MI, MD, NJ, IN
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Greg
Children: 2, ages 39-41
Grand Kids: 3, ages 6-11
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Working out, spending time with family and grandkids
Favorite memory: Going to football games and getting together with my friends.
Married to: Tom
Children: 1, age 40
Grand Kids: 1, age 3
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Mimi
Children: 2, ages 36 & 39
Grand Kids: 3, ages 4, 9, 12
Occupation: Marketing
Lived in: OH, UT, KY
Hobbies include: Fishing, Skiing, Shooting, Travel, Grandkids
Favorite memory: Time spent with great teachers (Joe Clifton, Bob West, Mr. Hartley, among others!) and great friends. Among many memories are trips to auto races with Chris Jacobs, fishing with Dan Acomb, and great times with the swim and tennis teams!
Married to: Kevin Sullivan
Children: 2, ages 33 & 38
Grand Kids: 5, ages 6, 4, 2, 2, infant
Occupation: Senior Vice President
Lived in: IN, IL, FL, OH
Hobbies include: Pickle-ball, Volunteer Activities, Walking the Beach
Favorite memory: Many memories come to mind: Theater, Choir and being a part of the Amazons!
Married to: Sandy
Children: 3, ages 40-44
Grand Kids: 5, ages 11-17
Occupation: Sales Engineer HVRAC
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Taking care of my wife’s four dogs!
Favorite memory: There are a lot!
Married to: NA
Children: 3, ages 30,29,18
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Territory Account Rep-Trex
Lived in: OH, TN, IL CA, GA
Hobbies include: Golf, beach walking and riding, guitar
Favorite memory: The parties, friendships and the tight close group we had as seniors that we shared together.
Married to: Donna
Children: 2, ages 48 & 31
Grand Kids: 2, ages 5mo - 3
Occupation: Fix this Fix that. Grass cutter, wood splitter, fire starter, grill master, short order cook, dish washer, etc.
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: A babysitting Grandpa, Fishing, Annual trips to the Gulf coast. Autumn trips to the Smokies, Cool nights out by the fire pit with music by the greatest bands of the 70's...and perhaps a beer or two.
Favorite memory: My junior year with friends and the parties we seemed to be able to put together every weekend.
Item description
Married to: Widowed
Children: 2, ages 37 & 38
Grand Kids: 4, ages 4-7
Occupation: Teacher
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Writing, Reading, Watching Sports, Cooking, Artwork, Being a Grandpa
Favorite memory: I have many, many fond memories of my time at Madeira HS, too many to list. I had very mixed feelings when I left after my sophomore year, but things worked out well for me. Thats what life is, a series of adjustments. Thank you MHS Class of 1974!
Married to: Stan
Children: 2, ages 43 & 45
Grand Kids: 7, ages 7-27
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, NC
Hobbies include: Traveling
Favorite memory: Home Economics with Mrs. Swafford
Married to: Penny
Children: 2, ages 35 & 37
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, TX, MS, FL, GA
Hobbies include: Music, gardening, dogs, doing shit
Favorite memory: Can't even. Perhaps what is telling is that I have no truly bad memories.
Married to: Greg
Children: 2, ages 34 & 36
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Elementary Teacher
Lived in: OH, KY, MI, TX
Hobbies include: Reading, enjoying music, visiting with friends, horse back riding, caring for my pets over the years
Favorite memory: Memories of friends, Friday night games, driving around with my bestie - Sandy Wegenhart, special teachers, skipping school one day & getting called to the principal's office with Sandy the very next morning (oops!) ... smiles & laughter everyday... wonderful MHS memories!
Married to: NA
Children: 1, age 21
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Pig & Coffee farmer
Lived in: Poland, Galapagos Islands, OH
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: NA
Partner Name: Marcia Douthit
Children: 3, ages 36-41
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: University of Cincinnati
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Racquetball, pickle-ball, weights, some golf, just like being outside
Favorite memory: Football, basketball games, driver Ed and I think my teacher was Mr. Buddy but not sure. He slammed the brakes on me down town. Then he apologized.
Married to: Jeanne
Children: NA
Grand Kids: NA
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, FL
Hobbies include: NA
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Single
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Registered Nurse, BSN, Masters Health Admin, Retired
Lived in: OH, MI, NH
Hobbies include: Natural/holistic & herbal healthcare, Reading, Gardening, Caring for Pets, Antique shows/shopping, auctions & estate sales
Favorite memory: Sharing classes with classmates, ie Marilyn Emery, Judy Davis, etc
Married to: Susan
Children: 2, ages 36-40
Grand Kids: 4, ages 1-6
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Motorcycling, hiking, gym workouts, and spending time with our 4 grandsons.
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Barbara
Children: 2, ages 36-38
Grand Kids: 5, ages 2-6
Occupation: Chemical industry, various management and engineering roles
Lived in: OH, MO, TN, NC
Hobbies include: Pickleball, Running, Golf, Fantasy Football
Favorite memory: Football Games
Married to: Single
Children: 2, ages 40-43
Grand Kids: 5, ages 4-17
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH, FL
Hobbies include: Walking and gardening.Volunteer at St.Sylvester Catholic Church as a Golden Girl.And Vice President of the SVdP Society.
Favorite memory: Home Ec with many friends I still have today And our actual Graduation which took place on my moms Birthday.
Married to: Anne
Children: 3, ages 33-41
Grand Kids: 5, ages 2-8
Occupation: GM
Lived in: OH, KY
Hobbies include: Golf and Bearcat Football / Basketball games
Favorite memory: Classmates
Married to: Harold
Children: 2, ages 36-40
Grand Kids: 4, ages 1-6
Occupation: Retired
Lived in: OH
Hobbies include: Reading, playing with grandchildren, gardening, hiking and all things nature.
Favorite memory: NA
Married to: Single
Children: 1, age 36
Grand Kids: NA
Occupation: Chief Operating Officer
Lived in: MA, WI, NH, OH, MI, CA
Hobbies include: Sports (pickleballl, softball, golf) getting outdoors to walk and see birds - very casual birder.
Favorite memory: The great breadth of sports Miss Wilson made sure were offered to us was a revelation and so much fun. Many great swimming and track memories. I wasn't a standout athlete, but I loved being able to participate.
Married to: SIngle
Children: 0
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Retired Educator
Lived in: OH, LA
Hobbies include: Gardening, Reading, Bicycling, Birding, Photography, Travel
Favorite memory: Learning Spanish from Mr. Effler. He always made me smile. Also, in Introduction to Physical Science, Kenny Wise saved me from getting in trouble. Mr. Buchy left the room for a moment. We were using the bunsen burners for and experiment using magnesium. After I finished the experiment, I held a small square of magnesium in the flame until it turned red and the tweezers holding it became too hot to hold. Whoosh! Flames arose. Kenny yelled, "Shut the door." Others helped me extinguish the flames as Mr. Buchy walked in the room. He had heard the excitement and asked, "What's going on here?" Kenny said, "Nothing," and no one turned me in!
Married to: Single
Children: 2, ages 30 & 31
Grand Kids: 0
Occupation: Clinical Lab Scientist
Lived in: NC, Guatemala, Nicaragua, OH
Hobbies include: Dog agility and collecting and restyling Barbie dolls
Favorite memory: My clearest memory of Madeira High School is being embarrassed by people necking in the hallways!