Missing Classmates
Where are They Now?
Below is a listing of classmates for whom there is not good contact information. Your assistance in locating them is greatly appreciated. If you have any contact information for the classmates listed below, please provide that information so as many of our classmates as possible can attend the reunion.
Jean Anderson Hildebrandt
Mike Baker
Randy Bowen
Paul Burton
Carl Cordano
Nina Cravens Himmelhaver
Jeff Gordon
Dave Greenberg
Donna Gross Strahm
William A. Henry
Art Hopkins
Joyce Ibold
Kandy Jenings Carstens
Michele Klimecki Shelley
Karyl Lipp
Kim McCudden Busse
Rick McMahan
Lois Ondesko Hofer
Ronda Osterbrock Cornwell
Joe Parsley
Nancy Perkins Allen
Kathy Rice Resop
Mike Satterfield
Jerry Schunk
Donna Seybold Plunkett
Sandy Sharp
Bob Shinkle
Jerry Smiley
Scot Strong
Sandy Werner Lemons
Ben Wise
Debra Wise Lawrence
Lois Wuest Wells