Mustang Meet-Ups

To continue the comradery of our reunion, you can plan and host a Mustang Meet-Up - a mini-reunion.

To have information about your Mustang Meet-Up posted on this website, please email the following information to Annette Hartley at least one month prior to your Meet-Up.

A Smilebox invitation to announce your Meet-Up to our classmates will go out within a week of your submission of the Meet-Up information.

Please include:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Any special instructions, for example: “This Mustang Meet-Up is a cookout, so please bring what you would like heated or grilled.”

Upcoming Meet-Ups

At this time, no Mustang Meet-Ups are scheduled.

Guest Information

To assist the host’s planning, please indicate if you will be attending and note the number of people including yourself.